Town Branch
Charitable Giving to Town Branch Trail

We have numerous options for charitable giving and volunteer help. For donating monetary & equipment or in-kind services please contact us for options.

You can contribute your support indirectly too! Since we are a grassroots group that depends on its community for existence, our best fuel is word-of-mouth publicity. Talk about this project with your friends, demand support from your council person, and stay active in public hearings and community events.

Use PayPal to contribute to our mission. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiztion. Your contribution is tax deductible and anonymous.

Thank you!

J. McConnell House

Join Town Branch Trail

Download & print our mail-in membership form
(pdf: 200k)


© 2000-2022 Town Branch Trail, Inc a 501(c)(3) organization
Lexington, Kentucky
